Monday, 19 November 2007

Breast Lymphoma: Imaging Findings

Breast Lymphoma: Imaging Findings of 32 Tumors in 27 Patients
Wei Tse Yang, Deanna L. Lane, Huong T. Le-Petross, Lynne V. Abruzzo, and Homer A. Macapinlac
Radiology 2007;245 692-702

Breast lymphomas manifest most frequently as a lobular or irregular mass with indistinct margins at mammography, and a solid, hypervascular irregular mass with indistinct margins or an echogenic boundary at US

Pure Ductal Carcinoma in Situ

Pure Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Kinetic and Morphologic MR Characteristics Compared with Mammographic Appearance and Nuclear Grade
Sanaz A. Jansen, Gillian M. Newstead, Hiroyuki Abe, Akiko Shimauchi, Robert A. Schmidt, and Gregory S. Karczmar
Radiology 2007;245 684-691

Lesions with a mammographic appearance of a soft-tissue mass or pleomorphic, linear, or linear-branching calcifications, as well as mammographically occult (ie, depicted at MR only) lesions, were more likely to exhibit plateau or washout enhancement characteristics than were lesions with amorphous or indistinct calcifications and might represent more aggressive disease.