Friday, 16 May 2008

Breast-specific Gamma Imaging as an Adjunct Imaging Modality for the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Rachel F. Brem, Angelique C. Floerke, Jocelyn A. Rapelyea, Christine Teal, Tricia Kelly, and Vivek Mathur
Radiology 2008;247 651-657

Link to Journal

Breast-specific gamma imaging is a promising adjunct imaging modality with high sensitivity and moderate specificity to help detect breast cancers, including subcentimeter (<1>

NOTE: Disclosures

The Rise and Impending Decline of Screening Mammography

Ferris Hall believes................
Ferris M. Hall
Radiology 2008;247 597-601

Link to journal

I believe that mammography is going to be replaced by MR imaging as the standard for breast screening, not only in high-risk women but increasingly in those at average risk