Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Influence of E-cadherin Expression on the Mammographic Appearance of Invasive Nonlobular Breast Carcinoma Detected at Screening

Influence of E-cadherin Expression on the Mammographic Appearance of Invasive Nonlobular Breast Carcinoma Detected at Screening
Sarah Doyle, Andrew J. Evans, Emad A. Rakha, Andrew R. Green, and Ian O. Ellis
Radiology 2009;253 51-55
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The high frequency of ill-defined masses and the low frequency of non-comedo microcalcification seen in invasive nonlobular breast cancer with E-cadherin loss are features similar to those seen in a series recording the mammographic appearance of invasive lobular cancer

Can Computer-aided Detection Be Detrimental to Mammographic Interpretation?

Can Computer-aided Detection Be Detrimental to Mammographic Interpretation?
Liane E. Philpotts
Radiology 2009;253 17-22

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Understanding of the limitations of computer-aided detection is important for those interpreting mammograms; this cautious approach to the use of computer-aided detection should help optimize this presently imperfect system and minimize the possible detrimental effects

The Preponderance of Evidence Supports Computer-aided Detection for Screening Mammography

The Preponderance of Evidence Supports Computer-aided Detection for Screening Mammography
Robyn L. Birdwell
Radiology 2009;253 9-16

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Having a system to aid the human eye that does not take vacations, is not vulnerable to fatigue or environmental distractions, is without, emotion, and is designed specifically to assist the very human eye to "look over here" seems like a good idea